Saturday, December 06, 2008

Truth behind the investigations of past terror attacks - A Petition

Truth behind the investigations of past terror attacks - A Petition
The Home Minister
Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India,

Subject: Application under the RTI act, 2005


This year there have been many instances of terrorist attacks on our country, which have resulted in at least 518 deaths including common citizens and law enforcement personnel. Our heart goes out to the families of the innocent victims and we salute the bravery of our armed and police forces. They are our real saviors and true patriots.

While the citizens of India have shown tremendous resilience and maintained communal harmony, we feel the Central Government and law enforcement agencies have not taken definitive and concrete measures against the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. We are appalled by the antipathy shown by politicians during and after the terror attack on Mumbai. We are specifically outraged by politicians trying to extract mileage out of the tragedy that has fallen on the families of our martyrs.

We are in the dark on relief and support provided to the victims and the martyrs. We, the citizens of this country, would like the government to furnish detailed answers and supporting documents for the following questions from the Home Ministry for each of the incidents mentioned in the table below.

1. Does the home ministry has access to all the information related to legal proceedings related to the bomb blasts and terrorist attacks that happened across the country as mentioned in the above table?
1.1 Can the home ministry validate the number of fatal causalities and injuries in the respective incidents?
1.1.1 Please provide a detailed explanation, If you do not have information to provide an answer to question 1.1
1.1.2 Please provide the number of people who have received compensation, both monetary and in kind, from central and state government.
1.1.3 Please provide a detailed explanation on why all the victims have not received compensations as declared. Please ignore if every one has received all compensations as promised.
1.2 How many Police men, military and para military and other defense and other security personnel lost their lives or were permanently disabled in each of these terrorist attacks?
1.3 What kind of help and compensation has been provided to these personnel described in question 1.2
1.4 On which date was the charge sheet filed for each of these attacks?
1.4.1 What is the reason if the charge sheets have not been filed till now for these incidents? Please provide your answer for each incident respectively.
1.4.2 How many arrests have been made till now? Please provide your answer for each incident respectively.
1.4.3 How many people charged in the case have been granted bail? Please provide your answer for each incident respectively.
1.5 When was the last hearing done on each of these cases? Please provide your answer for each incident respectively.
1.6 Against how many conspirators, has the concerned law enforcement agency or police has not been able to provide any evidence leading to their release or delay in court proceedings? Please provide your answer for each incident respectively.
We would appreciate a quick response to this petition. Please let us know the cost incurred in the process of acquiring this information.

Thanking you.
The undersigned citizen of India

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